Led by Ascension Global Mission,
Ascension Health was the first to establish a network for collecting medical surplus donations from its facilities to distribute to MSA MSA Accredited MSROs.
Another first was using a shared database to capture donation details, enabling the generation of reports on donation volume and corporate sustainability.
Many Medical Surplus Recovery Organizations (MSROs) partner with hospitals and healthcare systems in their communities. Together, they work to meet critical healthcare needs in impoverished regions worldwide and at home.
These strong, long-standing partnerships expand global access to health by donating equipment, supplies, pharmaceuticals, funding, and expertise. They also offer hospitals important benefits.
Mission Fulfillment Support health care workers, heal more patients, and strengthen health systems worldwide.
Sustainability Integration Extend equipment life, divert usable products from landfills, demonstrate environmental stewardship, and protect everyone's environment.
Employee Engagement Offer volunteer opportunities and medical mission trip support.
Community Benefit Support community programs, document community, needs assessment, and other program requirements.
Expert Guidance MSA Accredited MSROs and the MSA offer onboarding programs to meet donor goals and requirements.
Ascension Impact
Leadership Profile
In 2015, Ascension Global Mission and Ascension Health, one of the nation's largest healthcare systems with 172 Ascension Health hospital and medical center locations in the United States, partnered with the MedSurplus Alliance and MSA Accredited Medical Surplus Recovery Organizations to develop a nationwide standards-based approach to product donations linking MSROs from across the country to Ascension locations.
Program leader Susan Huber, SVP, Sponsorship, Ascension, and President, Ascension Global Mission offers her perspective
on the journey in her 2019 Joint Summit presentation: